The Inventors of the 10 Computer languages

  1. Python (Dutch Guido van Rossum, 1956)
  2. Java (Canadian James Gosling 1955)
  3. Javascript (USA Brendan Eich, 1961)
  4. C (USA Dennis Ritchie, 1941 – 2011 )
  5. C++ (Denmark Bjarne Stroustrup, 1950)
  6. Ruby (JAPAN Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, 1965)
  7. Perl (USA Larry Wall, 1954)
  8. Pascal (Switzerland Niklaus Wirth, 1934)
  9. Lisp (USA John McCarthy, 1927 – 2011)
  10. PHP (Denmark Rasmus Lerdorf, 1968)

Below the 3 hotest Functional Programming language influenced by Lisp:

11. Kotlin(Russia Andrey Breslav)

12. Scala (USA Martin Odersky)

13. Haskell (USA)

14. Clojure (USA Rich Hickey)

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